| Kings
Of The Road | |
a whole world of amazing experiences just waiting to be discovered, the Easy-Lifter System
brings you complete freedom on the road: - clips
onto your standard towbar with no expensive vehicle modifications required
- can
be attached & removed in less than 20 seconds
- easy
to use with no tools required
- safe
& secure
- carries
200 kilos
- stores
easily away on your garage wall
- has
interchangeable platforms for all applications
- JS
plating and a lacquer finish ensure a clean, smart & protected system.
safety is our priority - with our tried & tested, trusted & highly recommended
range of safe, easy, complete personal mobility solutions.  | Established
Expertise | |
of the Engineering Solutions Group, we are the official developers and producers
of the Easy-Lifter System, offering the reassurance of over 100 years of design
and manufacturing experience. Suppliers
to some of the country's leading industrial companies, we offer unique expertise
in specialist machinery & tooling and have focused our skills to develop and
produce the most innovative transportation system on the market - the Easy-Lifter
system. We
are a family business based in the East Midlands. Managing Director & Design
Engineer Tony Brain started the business when he recognised a gap in the market
for a safe and easy way to transport his bike on the back of his 4 X 4 vehicle. Our
range of unique products & designs has seen the company grow from strength
to strength: - the
only official suppliers of the unique patented Easy-Lifter system - the best,
quickly detachable, hydraulic lifting system on the market
- used
& approved by the vehicle recovery industry
- featured
in 'Which' magazine - 'the new accessory that is taking the market by storm'
go the extra mile - quality, safety and complete peace of mind from the experts
you can trust. .:|Click
the thumbnail to enlarge the image below |:. |